2011년 8월 12일 금요일


::::NEW BLOG::::


please change your links ;) 

ps. i won't delete this page, so feel free to visit whenever ~~

2011년 8월 6일 토요일

Complete Guide to TOPIK Intermediate

I'll begin by first saying, this book is EXTREMELY helpful is explaining more complex structures in phrases in the Korean language. The book begins by including a section explaining the TOPIK exam, including testing times and locations, as well as levels that are obtainable on the test.

Here is a list of the contents the book:
PART 1: 기출문제 유형분석 (Review & Analsysis of Previous TOPIK Questions)
PART 2: 유형별 연급문제 (Practice Questions)
PART 3: 실전 모의고사 (Mock Tests)
APPENDIX: Includes Practice Questions, Mock tests, and even OMR cards.

I like how after every question, the book gives a detailed explanation and background on the correct answer. The two CDs that come with the book is a plus.

I just got the book today, so I haven't really used it in depth ><;; I'm also not sure of the beginner book since I haven't seen it before. I found that beginner books usually introduce the language rather than really teaching.

TITLE: Complete Guide to the TOPIK Intermediate
ISBN: 9788959958139

2011년 8월 2일 화요일

City Hunter 시티 헌터

City Hunter (Korean Drama)

I have a feeling I will be giving 5 stars for every drama I watch~~

Let me just start off by saying this drama is really really good. So much action and stealth is involved in every episode! All the characters connect very well!

The plot is simple; an incident in the 1983 leads a man to get revenge from 5 political leaders. The baby he steals (Lee Minho), is the City Hunter that thrives to punish each leader by different methods.

Cheating, murdering, love, fear, and more is involved.

The only disappointing part were the deaths involved – but hey, it's what makes the audience connect to the characters, right?

2011년 8월 1일 월요일

Super Junior - Mr. Simple

AHHH! I love this song so much! It sounds very Indi, doesn' it haha

I can't wait for the music video to come out *0* The teaser already looks amazing~! The whole album seems pretty awesome to be honest :D

I'm not sure if I want to download it =-=;;; I think I'll order it on Gmarket since the give a free poster ^^


2011년 7월 31일 일요일


Yay! Another interlibrary loan~ I actually waited for this one for almost a month =-=

I choose this book becuase I figured I had enough basic Korean knowledge to be capable of studying from a book intended for Chinese learners. I have learned many new Chinese vocabulary AND even new Korean grammar!

The only downside is that this book is written in traditional characters – but even so, it is still clear to understand. In my notes, I try to write only using simplified though since it is what I'm currently focusing on. I find it a tad bit difficult since the explanations are in Chinese – but the examples suffice.

Rough translation: If you eat a lot of Kimchi you can do well in Korea.

I like how the book gives the verb in both Korean and Chinese before the example to give a more clearer concept.

Title: 漢語點樣用 (han yu dian yan yong)
ISBN: 9621434017

2011년 7월 30일 토요일

Inspiration, Inspiration.... and More Inspiration.


I think it's important to stay motivated when learning a language. Studying a new language is deffiniltey not an easy journey – nor should it be ;)

I'm not sure if it's just me, but I always have to remind myself why I'm learning the language. I find that when I get inspired by videos or images, I enjoy studying rather than making it a dead-end chore. Since I'm currently studying mainly Chinese and Korean, I find it hard to juggle both equally. In the end, finding certain things that remind me of why I started learning the language allows me to advance and progress.

For example, this video last night totally inspired me to learn Chinese... and to visit Shanghai 上海 *0*

Anyways, expect more Korean content haha~

2011년 7월 28일 목요일

First Interlibrary Loan!

This is probably the most best concept ever invented ever ^^
So basically, an interlibrary loan allows anyone to go to their local/university library and request a book in any library catalog. I'm not sure if this is internationally operated or not, but I'm positive it's nationwide.
I requested 인터넷에서 가장 먾이 틀리는 한국어, and I received within days! Although, I did request a another textbook weeks ago and still haven't received it ><
So far, I learned a lot from this book! It points out many errors that are common among Koreans whether it's spelling, grammar, etc.

Title: 인터넷에서 가장 먾이 틀리는 한국어
ISBN: 9788984995949

2011년 7월 24일 일요일

Chinese: An Essential Grammar

 I managed to scavenge a Chinese grammar book. Unfortunately, the library system where I live does not carry many books pertaining to foreign language =-=;;;

So far, this book seems very helpful! It helped solidified some understanding I had about the Chinese language, along with explaining some new information. I like how each Chapter of the book is very organized with very concrete titles that summarize each new grammar structure or language concept.

I totally reccomend this book. Even though I haven't finished it, I know I'll be able to benefit from this book greatly – both vocabulary and grammar wise.

Title: Chinese An Essential Grammar

2011년 7월 20일 수요일

Chinese Sentence Structure

Here's a quick post just to go over the Chinese sentence structure! I find that learning sentence structures in language studying is very important!

Ahhh, I miss studying Korean! I put some books on hold through an interlibrary loan, so expect some reviews :D

2011년 7월 15일 금요일

Learning more than one language... at once?

This is a question I ask myself almost every time I study! I won't say how many languages I'm currently studying, but it's well over five. I'm not sure if I'm being productive or clearly just hindering myself.

My issue is not 'mixing' the languages, but rather studying to my full capability. Everyday, I have a habit of studying both Chinese and Korean at the same time without any difficulty. Although, I had to quit Japanese for now becuase of the energy it took to study three different languages, not to mention the chinese characters that were involved =-=;;;

As of right now, I haven't experienced any real problems with learning multiple languages at once. I found an interesting article that states what should be considered when learning multiple languages:

1. Goals:
If you are a casual learner who is just fascinated by cultures and or a language and have no desired time frame to achieve a certain level of proficiency then learning multiple languages simultaneously may not be too much.
However, if you would like to learn quickly then your efforts would be best spent learning one language. If you focus on one language at a time you will learn faster because all of your efforts are concentrated on one thing and not divided among many.
2. Ability:
If you are disciplined and have strong study habits then tackling two languages at once may not be difficult for you. If you are easily distracted then it would be in your best interest to learn the language enjoy most and then to come back for the second.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/386107

In the end, I think it depends on the person's abilities and habits.

2011년 7월 14일 목요일

Studying for HSK... not really!

I'm sure you've heard of KLPT, JLPT etc etc, right? Well, since I started to study Chinese I figured I should at least 'pretend' to study for the HSK 汉语水平考试, which is the Chinese language test. I picked up a character list from here, and printed out a little paper that had three levels on it.

Right now I'm am righting any unfamilar character in my notebook like so:
Of course, the more copying, the better! After I memorize each level, I will highlight any character I am still hesitant on and study those while moving onto the next level. I'm not sure if this is an effective way or not, but it sure is helping so far!

My goal is to memorize all three levels by the end of the month !! So I don't have much longer =-=;; If only I wasn't so lazy haha

2011년 7월 12일 화요일

Learning Words Naturally

In my year of studying Korean, I have noticed that I have been able to learn new vocabulary in certain ways. I found that when I learn new vocabulary with various media such as music videos and TV shows they seem to stick in my memory much more faster and longer.

I remember I first learned -때문에 from the Miss A "Breathe" video. Ever since, 때문에 has played a concrete part in my word bank. Today, while watching Star King, I learned the word 오산 (incorrect), from the children that were currently guests on the show.

I do find studying from textbooks effective of course, but it just takes a little more effort on my side to memorize the word completely.



2011년 7월 11일 월요일


Sorry I haven't been blogging lately =-= I have been too busy with other things AKA school ><;;

Even so, I have managed to study Korean at least an hour a day. I'm finding that I don't have the patience to do one thing at a time....

I was trying to study Japanese for a while, but I found out I should just stick to two languages at a time =-=;;

I also have a Chinese blog, laime11.xanga.com! Be sure to visit!

2011년 7월 7일 목요일

Rocky Hills

I'm not sure if it's just me, but I always seem to experience a period of time where I feel like I am not progressing through my language learning. Rather, it feels like I'm stationed at a point where I am unable to advance my knowledge of the language itself – almost regressing back to a beginner stage.

I wouldn't say I am experience anything of that sort right now – at least not to that degree. I remember for these past 5 months during school studying felt like a chore, almost like a job. During that time period, I took a mild break from Korean and started to study Chinese in a class I registered for in the beginning of the year. Through Chinese, I remembered how amazing it is to take part in learning a foreign language. I forgot the excitement I had when I was able to accomplish the little things – whether that's recognizing a few words on TV or even being able to type in Korean.

I forgot how important these 'little things' are. I shouldn't take anything for gratned

As of right now, I am able to advance myself whether it's vocabulary or minor grammar aspects. ^^

Sorry for the random post by the way, just wanted to share my thoughts :)

2011년 7월 4일 월요일

Subtitles ?!

I always come across this issue... watching Korean videos with or without subtitles. I also come across different opinions from other people.

For instance, my mother who now speaks English at a native level, was able to learn the language via various sitcoms on TV. Since Dari, was her first language, finding subs for her shows were nearly impossible. She tells me that watching videos without subs is the best way to learn a language. I can agree with this, being that it can become really easy to watch shows passively once subs are included.

I also hear from other language learners, that subtitles are indeed necessary in order to grow an understanding of the language itself whether that be vocabulary or sentence structure. I can also concur with statements such as this one. I find that watching subtitles in the language that is being presented is really helpful as well since it reinforces spelling, etc.

Being that I agree with both, I finally came up with a solution. As of right now, I watch content with and without subtitles! Allow me to share a few examples. As I am a drama addict, I choose to switch between subtitles between alternating episodes. That way, I am able to pull content from previous episodes to formulate an overall understanding of the new content.

As for videos on Youtube, I choose to watch them without subs (unless it's a movie). You will be shocked, trust me! I was watching an episode of WGM and was able to understand almost every other sentence! Being so, I was able to form an overall idea on what the episode was about!

Do you have any opinions utilizing subtitles?

2011년 7월 3일 일요일

Lie to Me 내게 거짓말을 해봐

Lie to Me (Korean Drama)

Let me just say, any drama with Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 will not disappoint you! I wouldn't say this drama isn't totally unique in terms of content, but I like how 'lying' seems to be a overlying theme. Of course, the couple in the drama are extremely adorable (even in their most heated moments). In the end, you definitely need to watch this drama. It's only 16 episodes unfortunately =-=;;;

Ahhh! I need to stop making reviews about dramas and start writing posts about the Korean language itself ^^;; I can finally have time to study Korean today, yesterday was my first real day off :D 

PS. Start watching City Hunter, you will thank me later.

2011년 7월 2일 토요일

Last day of Chinese Startalk

Wow! I can't believe it is has already been a month of Chinese class! It was fun, but it was time to be over ^^;;; Yesterday was officially the last day of class :D

I learned a lot of Chinese with this class, and I hope to continue my studies this upcoming fall.

In the end, I would totally recommend this Startalk program to any language student. Not only did I receive college credit, learn a little Chinese, but I have also created memories and met new friends! I only hope that they offer more languages ^^;;;

Speaking of which, does anybody know any good Chinese textbooks for the self-learner? I wouldn't want to lose anything that I have learned =-=;;;


2011년 6월 29일 수요일

Transportation 交通

Sorry for the random post... this is just to help me study for the quiz and oral tomorrow! Feel to reference though ^^

Dialogue Sample
Q: 请问,怎么车 ______? ALTERNATIVE: 从 A 到 B,怎么车?
A: 先向______坐几转,再向______坐几转。然后向______坐几转。


去:to go
坐:to sit, to take
走:to walk
换:to change
开:to drive
骑:to ride

Methods of Transportation

2011년 6월 28일 화요일

ノルウェイの森 + Updates

Hi everyone! Just a few new updates! I won't be continuing to blog about Startalk until the last class (which is this Friday). I am just to busy with my economics and sociology courses. After this week, expect some new content though! I'll definitely have time to actually study Korean! I have been studying minimally from my 연세 한국어 읽기 2... I also hope to self-study Chinese after my class ends – I'd hate to start my journey all over again ^^;; I really want to continue my studies in Japanese too... 

Speaking of which, I want to watch ノルウェイの森. It's a relatively new Japanese movie based a popular modern novel.


2011년 6월 26일 일요일

How I study Korean Vocabulary

I currently have two notebooks:one for vocabulary, and the other for grammar, but this post will be covering the way I learn Korean vocabulary. While reading a textbook:

1. Underline unfamiliar words

2. Look up the definition of the unknown words on a dictionary. I prefer Naver Dictionary.

3. Record the word in a notebook in the format of
  • Word (Chinese word if given): definition
  • 에) example of word
  • ->synonyms or related vocabulary if given in dictionary
4. And finally I go through  my textbook and look for underlined words that I didn't know before.

5. Repeat process until all word are known. I don't reccomend memorizing the words unless you don't have the textbook anymore.

I learned most of these techniques from Hangukdrama, be sure to check out her website! 

감사합니다! Let me know if you have any questions!

2011년 6월 25일 토요일


Love At Seventh Sight (Chinese Movie)

Just finished watching this movie! Ahhh Chinese films are so unique! I am unable to describe the style that Chinese movies have... they are so artistic! ^^ For some reason, Chinese films always put me in a weird mood, neither good or bad... although this movie left me happy! If you want to watch this, head over to Dramacrazy.

I thought this film was very creative and certainly had a twist! If you do watch it, be sure to watch it until the end (even during the credits)!!

Startalk Chinese: Day 7-11

Sorry I wasn't blogging about class.... I have been way to busy with different classes as well =-=;;; Other than doing a Chinese leisure project, there really wasn't anything different worth mentioning!

On Monday, we had the opportunity to play Chinese chess. On Tuesday, we didn't do much except learn about how to read time. On Wednesday, the class had the opportunity to do calligraphy! It sort of turned out a mess for everybody ^0^

My new group got assigned the province Hong Kong for the traveling project! How exciting, right? Yesterday while surfing the internet for attractions in HK, I learned that people can get married at McDonalds! Interesting, huh? ^^

Other than that, now that it is Friday, I have able been studying Korean!! I miss studying Korean...

2011년 6월 23일 목요일

Gmarket Order 1

This isn't my first time ordering from Gmarket... but this is my first blog post on a package I received. I have been ordering from Gmarket since Summer 2010, and I have been satisfied ever since. My order shipped very fast, and I received in less than two week!

I received my items in a huge box! 

Everything I ordered came in one box, so I wouldn't have to recieve my items at different times. I order a two books, and a korean keyboard mat.

ISBN: 9788971419304

I heard about this book through Hangukdrama and decided to give it a try! So far, I really like the content. It is a little challenging since there are basically no English words included... but I think I'll be able to learn a lot ^^


I also heard about this book through Hangukdrama. Since I don't have a normal Korean book, I decided to give this one a try... mostly becuase it is about Big Bang 빅뱅.

I ordered the hangul keyboard mat to help improve my korean typing speed. So far, it has been helping a lot! I got yellow because I think black is boring =-=;;;

I can't wait to order from Gmarket again :D

2011년 6월 19일 일요일

Personal Taste 개인의 쥐향

Personal Taste (Korean Drama)

Ahhhh! I hate finishing dramas =-= I usually don't watch the last episode, but I sort lost track of what episode I was on ^^;;;

I realize that Personal Taste is not that new, but I forgot to finish watching it since I was really busy during the school year =-=;;

I wouldn't say that this this drama is much of tear-jerker, but even so, it is still worth watching! The instant I first started watching Personal Taste, I fell in love with the characters Park Gae In 박개인 and Jeon Jin Ho 전진호. They have such a close and sensual connection, it's hard to forget it is just a drama ^^;; I like how the story revolves around Sanggojae 상고재 (which is a special traditional Korean house in the drama).

Throughout Personal Taste, there was the overlaying conflict of perceptions on being gay. The drama gave a positive message in accepting others and defining what love really is.

By the way, Lee Minho is my new obsession ^0^

2011년 6월 18일 토요일

HD 潘辰 - 出發 short film -- Chen Pan - On My Way

HD 潘辰 - 出發 short film -- Chen Pan - On My Way from Grass Jelly on Vimeo.

Chinese Startalk: Day 10

Wow! I can't believe it has already been 10 days since Chinese class started ^^;;;

I'm posting this today, since I was so tired yesterday =-=;; Yesterday, we went to the local Chiense cultural/martial arts center. We took a bus right across the university and then walked a little (a lot for me), to the center.

At the martial arts center, we learned how to do basic stances and kicks. We also learned the differences between northern and southern style of martial arts. The north uses more legs, while the south uses more hands.

This is the back of the center where people train.
Returning back to the university was torture. We walked longer than we did in the morning, and the bus ride only took 2 minutes since we walked to a further bus stop. By the way, to say "I'm very tired" in Chinese, you say "我很累" (Wo hen lei).

2011년 6월 16일 목요일

Chinese Startalk: Day 8-9

I will be skipping the 8th day, since the class really didn't do much except review food vocabulary/restaraunt grammar.

Today, on the otherhand, proved to be an exciting yet tiring day. Today, the 4 different groups in the class were able to cook our chosen recipes. Ours – Mapo Doufu 麻婆豆腐. We also helped cook Baozi 包子, and Jiaozi 饺子. The Arabic student also cooked their own foods in the same kitchen, so they got to try some of our food ^^
Here is the tofu we cooked

Here are some of the vegetarian dumplings.
Everybody in both Chinese/Arabic classes were taking videos/pictures for our projects that are due tomorrow. All my group needs to is edit the video footage we took. So far, it looks really great :D

2011년 6월 14일 화요일

Chinese Startalk: Day 7

Today the class went to many places! It was also our first field trip ^^ After reviewing a little on vocabulary dealing with food, we went on the bus to our first location – Yummi House!

The food was very tasty, and we all shared (it was the one where the table turns so everyone can pick the food they want). The owner was kind enough to talk about the regional differences in Chinese cuisine. We learned that the South 南 prefers sweet food, whereas the North 北 enjoys salty food. We also learned other various facts about food in China, such as the KFC that serves rice. I didn't take any pictures because my phone was out of battery =-= But the teacher took a lot of pictures, so I'll be sure to get some Anyways, after spending a couple hours of chatting, laughing, and of course eating, we moved onto our next location, Talin Market!

Each group were hunting down the ingredients that our recipes required. After accumulating the various ingredianets (chili paste etc.) I picked up some some snacks ^0^ Most of the students and myself congregated in the Korean aisle to chat and watch movies via iPad, as we waited for the teachers and remaining students to finish their scavenging.

In the end, today was really fun and I can't wait for another field trip :D

2011년 6월 13일 월요일

Startalk Chinese: Day 6

Yay! This week in Chinese, we are focusing on food! That's right! :D So we're going to be doing projects/assingments that revolves around things like grocery shopping and cooking various Chinese foods.

Tomorrow, the class get's to go to a local market to buy ingredients for our dishes we'll be making in our groups! How fun is that? ^^ Before that, we'll be going to a restaraunt called "Yummi House".

Also here are some characters we got today for homework:

喜: –
欢: –
** 喜欢 means "want"
常: often
吃: eat
菜: dish
酸: sour
甜: sweet
苦: bitter
辣 spicy

I will be taking pictures of the dish we'll be making, so stay tuned!

2011년 6월 12일 일요일


My Mini Black Dress (Korean Movie)
I'm pretty sure I love all the movies that Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 is in! Today I watched "My Mini Black Dress" – and let me just say, it's one of the great Korean movies I have seen (not that I have watched that many). 

I wouldn't say it's much of a exciting/cheerful movie (there is a death), but it's extremely enjoyable. The story is about four close friends that have met each other in college, and are connected by the black mini dresses they wear. They all experience different conflicts, but manage to pull through and save their relationship.

Dongho 동호 from U-Kiss is even in the movie! He yelled some profanity in the movie, and I couldn't help but blush. I couldn't tell if I was blushing from the sudden curse word, or from how different I perceived Dongho ^0^

You deffinitley need to watch this movie. You can watch it on Youtube, so it shouldn't be too much of a hassel.

2011년 6월 10일 금요일

Chinese Startalk: Day 5

Today, I took a second quiz and presented my family project! I did really good on the quiz...I got a 97%. As for the presentation I got a 95% =-=;;; I was so nervous during the presentation, so I missed up on the tones – which is why some points were taken off ^^;;  The teacher wrote that she was shocked on how much I learned in just this one week! My whole presentation was in characters, so it took a lot of studying to be able to do so.

Recently, I have been trying to find things that interest me in Chinese culture (music, movies, celebrities, etc). I believe it is important to stay interested/motivated in learning a language. That way learning the language soon provides a purpose.

So far, I haven't really found anything else that interest me besides artists such as Elva Hsiao 蕭亞軒, Show Luo 小豬 or my shainese hubby Jing Boran 井柏然

I feel so bad that I don't have enough time to study 한국어!! Being so, I ordered a few books from Gmarket that I will be doing a review on when I receive the shipment ^^ I couldn't help from ordering a cardigan and Korean keyboard stickers :D 

Anyways sorry for the long post!
감사합니다 ^^

PS. I will be working on the Chinese resources page, so check it out soon ;)

2011년 6월 9일 목요일

Startalk Chinese: Day 2-4

Sorry for the lack of posting, the Chinese class, Economics, and Sociology have been keeping me super busy =-=;;

Anyways, I want to give a brief post on what I have been doing in my past few classes.Our homework as mostly been dealing with character practices and various workbook exercises.The class has been focusing greatly on Pinyin 拼音. This is useful since it makes reading new vocabulary simple, not to mention it helps in typing Chinese.

Tomorrow, my presentation on my family is due. Sentence structures like: 《他叫…》or 《我的妈妈师…》are supposed to be present in the presentation.

So far, the class has taken 1 quiz, and there will be another one tomorrow =-=;; I didn't do so will on the first one because of silly mistakes! But hey, learned right?

Anyways, sorry for the long post, I'm to tired and busy to go on the internet these days!


2011년 6월 6일 월요일

Startalk Chinese: Day 1

Wow! I can't believe I finally started my Chinese class!

Today, the clasroom time was mostly spend introducing ourselves in Chinese with various introduction vocabulary, along with typical classroom nouns. The teachers briefly went over fixed expressions such as 'I don't understand', or 'May I use the restroom'.

For some reason, I find the sentence structure in Chinese a little confusing since I have been studying SOV languages =-=;;

We got our textbook and workbooks as well. Afterwards we went to the computer lab to do some assignments that were uploaded the school's online class system.

The homework we get on a daily basis includes:

These are the books we're using for class

  • Homework: Regular homework will be assigned by everyday.
  • Character assignment: Coping characters 5 times
  • Daily can-do statement and Linguafolio: Self-evaluation.

I just finished my workbook homework... so I'm almost done ^^

PS. Sorry for the brief post =-=;; I'm just so tired from all the classes I had toay ^^;;;

2011년 6월 4일 토요일

Mei Wei Qing Ge 美味情歌 (BOBO组合) MOVIE TRAILER

Definitely gonna watch this movie! It has BOBO组合 in it!!
 I love Jing Boran ^===^

2011년 6월 3일 금요일

Lang-8 Review

This post will be covering the amazing website, Lang-8 :D

I have been a member with Lang-8 since December 2010. I haven't participated much because of school exams, but I'm starting to log back on.

In Lang-8, you create a post without any prompts (so it's like a journal), in any languages you are currently studying. Because Lang-8 has such a great community, your posts will get corrected by native/fluent speakers with correction tools provided on the site. In return, you correct other journals from users writing in your native/fluent language. The system extremely simple, yet efficient.

Believe it or not, I learn a lot from the corrections I get from people on the website. I'm not afraid to make grammatical mistakes because I'll end up learning learning the correct form or even an alternative usage. I even ask questions in some of my entries, and get answers immediately!

Here's my journal ;)

The Downside
I see to Lang-8 is that somewhat fluency is required in order to write entries  – but that isn't their fault of course ;)

In short
I definitely reccomend checking Lang-8 out. They offer many languages and a great community as well! I learned a lot through this website, so it might be of some benefit to you as well. Luckily if your not content with the service, you can always delete your account ^^;;;

2011년 6월 2일 목요일

Startalk Program: Orientation

Today I attended the orientation for the Startalk Chinese Program! It was a bit boring and extraneous, as it covered topics and guidelines for the University itself. Both Arabic and Chinese instructors introduced themselves and the class schedule ^^

Here are some of the things that the program entails:

- classes held 9:20 to 12:30 (sometimes ends at 3:00, twice a week at least)
- Field trips and community spotlights are included
-Grade distribution as follows:
• daily class performance 20%
• homework 20%
• projects 20%
• written exams 20%
• oral exams 20%

The teacher emphasized that the class is heavily based on projects, along with participation.

On the schedule, I also noticed that we will be visiting a local chinese/middle eastern super market, along with a Chineserestaurant, "Yummi" :D

Anyways, sorry for the quick/brief post. I'll be posting what I learned/experienced after every other class ;)

2011년 5월 31일 화요일

Korean Classes

Sorry for the random post! >-<;;;

Ever since I have studied Korean, I have been searching endlessly for Korean classes. Unfortunately, I have yet to find any form Korean class. The area where I live does have a Korean community, but it's far away and I've heard (by my Korean friend), that their classes are not accustomed to teach anything past my level of Korean.

Being so, after studying Korean for a year now, I haven't formed any type of structure or objectives (which is probably why I fail at Korean ^^;;;).

South Korean students take their College Scholastic Ability Test at a school on November 13, 2008 in Seoul, South Korea. More than 580,000 high school seniors and graduates sit for the examinations at 996 test centers across the country. Success in the exam only will enable the students to apply to study in Korea's top universities.

As for now
I'll have to continue to self-study and hope for the best :D

If anyone has taken a Korean course, how was your experience? Did you learn a lot? Was the overall class beneficial?

2011년 5월 29일 일요일

Integrated Korean: Intermediate Series

My textbooks finally came in the mail a couple days ago (the ones I mentioned in an earlier post)!

I ordered the two intermediate books from the Integrated Korean series. I was satisfied with the first beginner book. Even so, it was not challenging, so I decided to get the intermediate ones. Being so, I was a little hesitant on studying from the intermediate series since I skipped one book in the series  -- which proved to not be a problem ;)

So far, I have been studying lesson one of the INTERMEDIATE 1 book. The grammar explanations are great and are in detail. The books even include culture snippets which can be beneficial in providing a break from studying.There are also conversations in the beginning of each chapter to introduce new vocabulary and grammar. Not to mention, the audio files for these conversations and more are available at http://www.hawaii.edu.

The exercises (여슴) are a bit challenging – which brings me to the drawback of these books. I have skimmed through three of the books in the integrated series and none of them gave any sample answers  – nor were they online. It would have been really helpful to see some sample answers to reinforce new grammar/sentence structures.

In the end
I totally recommend these books. They offer an alternative resource outside of class that can teach and solidify previously learned material. I found that studying the vocabulary in each chapter really helped me understand external Korean material. I ordered these textbooks from Amazon.

2011년 5월 28일 토요일


내가... 한국어 제일 말하고 싶어요.

그레서 리스트 있어요:

1. 적어도 45 분 동안 공부 일상
2. 과거 수업을 검토하고 싶어요
3. 한국어를 사람들 말하고 싶어요

이것은 여름철이에요 ^^;;;


2011년 5월 27일 금요일

How to Type In Korean: Mac

I've noticed most people are interested in learning how to type in Korean on their computers. Unfortunately since I own only a Macbook, this tutorial will be covering the Korean IME on Mac computers.

Don't be scared though, it's really easy!

My computer is currently set in Korean but this should still work despite the language.

1. First, click the flag icon on the top taskbar.

2. Click the bottom option

3. Scroll down untill you see Korean. I use the Gongjincheong keyboard, which is romainzed version. It makes it easier to type and even reinforces hangul. Even so, you may want to switch to a traditional Korean keyoard later ;)

That's it!
Leave a comment if you have any questions/comments ;) And don't worry to change keyboards, all you have to do is click on the flag icon once again and select your language desired.

2011년 5월 26일 목요일

Korean Vocabulary Lists

Some people may argue that when learning foreign languages vocabulary lists are not helpful and rather detract from learning the language. To some extent, I do agree with that statement.

In these past two months, I have utilized vocabulary lists that revolve around the TOPIK test. For those of you who do not know, the TOPIK is basically a test that tests Korean proficiency. Even though most of these words have proved to be useless so far, I have found that some of the words I learned were really beneficial. I am able to understand selected words whether I'm watching Korean television or even readying an article on Naver due to the fact that I studied these lists.

Here are some links for some lists:


I recommend you print out these lists and study them whenever you have free time. I'm currently studying these two lists right now ;) Keep in mind, most of these words are beginner words, so I only suggest new learners of Korean study from these.

2011년 5월 23일 월요일

Startalk Program

Not much news lately, just waiting for the school year to end...

I have been studying for Korean rather than my finals that take place this week ^^;;; At least I'm studying, right?

Always, I just wanted to make a quick announcement about a program I have the pleasure of attending this Summer. The program is called Startalk, and it's basically a government ran program that creates classes that allow students to learn new languages. My local university has this program but they only offer Arabic and Chinese (Other Startalk programs offer languages ranging from Dari to Hindi). I couldn't decide between the two, so I decided to take Chinese this Summer.

Since the classes are time consuming, and apparently intensive, I won't be able to study as much Korean as I want to – – during the month of July at least. >-<

If you are interested in studying with Startalk as well, I recommend checking with your local university/college. I will be blogging about my experience with this program, starting with the orientation I will be required to go on June 2. Be sure to check back ;)

2011년 5월 20일 금요일

Self-Studying Korean: Year 1

Whoa! I can't believe it has already been a year since I've started to study Korean. I'll start this blog post by describing how I got into Korean.

I was on Crunchyroll.com (being the crazed-anime fan I was), searching for a new anime to watch. I looked at the drama tab and clicked it because I was curious on what kind of dramas were available. In the end, I watched Coffee Prince and ended up falling in love with Korean culture.

Drama wasn't my only interest, let's not forget kpop! Super Junior and U-Kiss have really motivated me to learn Korean for various reasons ;)

I then started to utilize on sources to learn Korean such as TTMIK and Sogang (Just recently, actually). Before I knew it, Korean became a part of my daily routine, thoughts, and even actions. I have purchased some textbooks, so I hope to use those efficiently.

It feels like only five months have passed by... Unfortunately it feels like I haven't learned much. Here are a few goals that I have for this year:

-Learn 500+ vocabular words
-Learn 한굴 irregularities
-Review past notes
-Form sentences longer than 17 words.
-Study for at least 45 minutes every day
-Find more resources to learn Korean

Anyways, wish me luck !! I hope to study Korean for another year!

2011년 5월 16일 월요일

Integrated Korean Beginner 1

안녕하세요! 지금... 한국어 잭에서 공부해요 "INTEGRATED KOREAN BEGINNER 1".

이 채을 좋아요. 하지만 정말 쉬은 네요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

I ordered two more books online, from the intermediate series (1 & 2). So far, I reccomend it.  The grammar points that are covered in the book have many examples and explanatoins.

If you are somewhat proficient in Korean, DO NOT get this book. It may be too easy ^^;;;. I took a risk and will be venturing into the intermediate series since I'm focusing on learning more information, rather than reinforcing it.

Anyways, if you feel like you need some basic Korean help, this book is great for basic Korean.

2011년 5월 15일 일요일

thanks sacred tree

Hi! This is my new blog! Thanks for visiting. I like mangos and japanese things. Anyways, feel free to bookmark and return. This blog will mainly contain my progress on some of the languages I'm learning- Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. Someday, I'll have a lot of content and other stuff. Just wait and see. anyways... see you sometime soon!