2011년 8월 12일 금요일


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2011년 8월 6일 토요일

Complete Guide to TOPIK Intermediate

I'll begin by first saying, this book is EXTREMELY helpful is explaining more complex structures in phrases in the Korean language. The book begins by including a section explaining the TOPIK exam, including testing times and locations, as well as levels that are obtainable on the test.

Here is a list of the contents the book:
PART 1: 기출문제 유형분석 (Review & Analsysis of Previous TOPIK Questions)
PART 2: 유형별 연급문제 (Practice Questions)
PART 3: 실전 모의고사 (Mock Tests)
APPENDIX: Includes Practice Questions, Mock tests, and even OMR cards.

I like how after every question, the book gives a detailed explanation and background on the correct answer. The two CDs that come with the book is a plus.

I just got the book today, so I haven't really used it in depth ><;; I'm also not sure of the beginner book since I haven't seen it before. I found that beginner books usually introduce the language rather than really teaching.

TITLE: Complete Guide to the TOPIK Intermediate
ISBN: 9788959958139

2011년 8월 2일 화요일

City Hunter 시티 헌터

City Hunter (Korean Drama)

I have a feeling I will be giving 5 stars for every drama I watch~~

Let me just start off by saying this drama is really really good. So much action and stealth is involved in every episode! All the characters connect very well!

The plot is simple; an incident in the 1983 leads a man to get revenge from 5 political leaders. The baby he steals (Lee Minho), is the City Hunter that thrives to punish each leader by different methods.

Cheating, murdering, love, fear, and more is involved.

The only disappointing part were the deaths involved – but hey, it's what makes the audience connect to the characters, right?

2011년 8월 1일 월요일

Super Junior - Mr. Simple

AHHH! I love this song so much! It sounds very Indi, doesn' it haha

I can't wait for the music video to come out *0* The teaser already looks amazing~! The whole album seems pretty awesome to be honest :D

I'm not sure if I want to download it =-=;;; I think I'll order it on Gmarket since the give a free poster ^^