2011년 6월 9일 목요일

Startalk Chinese: Day 2-4

Sorry for the lack of posting, the Chinese class, Economics, and Sociology have been keeping me super busy =-=;;

Anyways, I want to give a brief post on what I have been doing in my past few classes.Our homework as mostly been dealing with character practices and various workbook exercises.The class has been focusing greatly on Pinyin 拼音. This is useful since it makes reading new vocabulary simple, not to mention it helps in typing Chinese.

Tomorrow, my presentation on my family is due. Sentence structures like: 《他叫…》or 《我的妈妈师…》are supposed to be present in the presentation.

So far, the class has taken 1 quiz, and there will be another one tomorrow =-=;; I didn't do so will on the first one because of silly mistakes! But hey, learned right?

Anyways, sorry for the long post, I'm to tired and busy to go on the internet these days!


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