I'll begin by first saying, this book is EXTREMELY helpful is explaining more complex structures in phrases in the Korean language. The book begins by including a section explaining the TOPIK exam, including testing times and locations, as well as levels that are obtainable on the test.
Here is a list of the contents the book:
PART 1: 기출문제 유형분석 (Review & Analsysis of Previous TOPIK Questions)
PART 2: 유형별 연급문제 (Practice Questions)
PART 3: 실전 모의고사 (Mock Tests)
APPENDIX: Includes Practice Questions, Mock tests, and even OMR cards.
I like how after every question, the book gives a detailed explanation and background on the correct answer. The two CDs that come with the book is a plus.
I just got the book today, so I haven't really used it in depth ><;; I'm also not sure of the beginner book since I haven't seen it before. I found that beginner books usually introduce the language rather than really teaching.
TITLE: Complete Guide to the TOPIK Intermediate
ISBN: 9788959958139